The Mercurial City.


The city collapses experience. It is both archive of past uses and predictor of future event.  

Our interpretations of it are filtered through data sets that eternally expand into turbulent clouds of uncontrolled variables and uncertainty. 

The city is in a cycle of decay/ growth. A suspended phase unable to coherently reckon with accelerating technologies and culture. This shrinking attention span is spread over an ever-sprawling footprint leaves each change without resolution or catharsis. 

The Mercurial City aims to visualise this turbulent nature and its change over time. It takes the ongoing changes occurring in the built environment and its metadata and forces a phase shift into a new adaptive layer for the city.   

Spawning from zones created by conflating the most inaccessible areas with the most stagnant, the new built form destabilises while simultaneously creating new access points and relationships.